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Pulse Measurement Testbench

The heart of an IR receive circuit is the pulse measurement circuit. A single-bit signal goes in, and the length of each input pulse goes out. IR-protocol-specific logic to decode the actual data values being transmitted would work off the sequence of length values coming out of the pulse measurement block. The pulse-measurement circuit itself, though, is protocol-agnostic.

Now, I'm planning to build this pulse-measurement circuit (and later on, the follow-on data decode circuit) in firmware in the f2013. I could drive pulses into the f2013 by aiming an IR remote control at the IR transceiver (as seen in VIII. My Little GP1UE267XK) and pushing various buttons on the remote. That sounds pretty annoying - I'd have to pick up and put down the remote all the time, in between typing, and the resulting pulses would vary in length according to factors beyond my control (as I documented in XIII. WWASD?).

Here's a better idea: I'll build logic in the FPGA to generate precise, reproducible pulse sequences, under control of the host PC. Without moving my hands from the keyboard, I'll download various pulse sequences to the hardware, which in turn will drive the device-under-test (f2013 firmware in active development). If I equip the f2013 and testbench logic with a SPI-to-JTAG bridge (as seen in XIV. Hello, world!), then the f2013 can send its interpretation of the pulse sequence back to the host. A script can compare the f2013's report with what was sent - so - a regression test system is possible.

Here's a top-level block diagram of the system:


You can see three basic sub-blocks:

  1. VJI: A virtual-JTAG-interface which provides a FIFO-write interface ("source") and an additional signal, "go".
  2. Pulse Gen: The pulse generator proper. The idea here is that the VJI writes a sequence of values into the pulse generator's internal FIFO (data rate limited by the JTAG interface), then asserts the "go" signal, which initiates processing on the FIFO data at top speed. Data read from the internal FIFO specifies the level and pulse duration on the single-bit output, "out".
  3. f2013: The f2013 hardware/software block, which is the real device-under-test here, y'all. The f2013 will measure successive pulse durations and (at least for test purposes) transmit the pulse length values via SPI back to the host.

Notice symmetry: the testbench in XII. Gathering the XBox DVD Remote Codes: Method transformed sequences of pulses from the IR remote into sequences of pulse durations. The new testbench will do the inverse transformation, durations to pulses. I have a big pile of labeled sample data which I collected during the IR remote protocol analysis; I can "play back" the samples to the f2013 firmware as I develop it.

Alright then. For the implementation, I'll generate the entire FPGA system (quartus project, pinout declarations and HDL) via script, relying heavily on europa_module_factory. The next step will be to flesh out the sub-sub-blocks within the VJI and Pulse Gen sub-blocks.


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